It’s well-documented that reading for pleasure, and improving reading standards, has a huge impact on children’s wellbeing, academic achievements, and future success.

But the sad truth is, cuts to school funding means many children don’t have access to well-stocked libraries. Many don’t get to experience the magic of reading that may well have made you a reader for life.

School libraries face a chronic lack of investment, with the most disadvantaged communities most affected: 1 in 8 primary schools in England do not have a library, and this jumps to 1 in 4 schools with a higher proportion of children on free school meals. There is also no statutory requirement for schools to have a library.

The LoveReading4Kids Funding for Schools Scheme was launched last year to redress this shortfall in educational funding, and schools can apply for up to £5000 of direct funding to fulfill and enhance their library offering and inspire a love of reading for pleasure. We have had over 400 schools apply, and we would love to help all these schools. As we sell more books and the LoveReading4Kids funding pot grows we will be able to help more and more schools who so desperately need it.

This week LoveReading4Kids selected another school who submitted a compelling bid to the funding scheme. Ranworth Square Primary School in Norris Green in Merseyside received £1,000 to spend on books for their library to promote reading for pleasure across the school.

The application for the funding highlighted the schools need of support and funds, Pam Butler, English Lead at Ranworth Square stated:

"Ranworth Square is in a significantly high deprivation area of Liverpool. Many children have no home access to books at all. It is our mission to do all we can to allow each and every child to achieve their full potential and, to this end, our pride and joy is our school library. Here, we attempt to provide a stimulating and exciting reading environment to promote reading for pleasure, educational enrichment opportunities and a relaxing, calm and cosy escape.

"We also want to introduce an initiative allowing us to loan books to parents and children with a more varied and deeper selection. We want to be fully inclusive, in that all children can fully relate to, in both text and illustration provided by the best possible selection of books.’’

LoveReading4Kids Managing Director, Deborah Maclaren visited Ranworth Square and their very excited pupils this week to enjoy the delivery of these books purchased by the £1000 donation, Deborah said of her visit:

"It was such a pleasure to visit Ranworth Primary and meet their star bookworms who helped select the books their funding allocation enabled. They are a credit to the school, such brilliant reading ambassadors helping the library to be at the beating heart of their school. This is why we do what we do. Our Funding for Schools Scheme enables schools to get their hands on books they wouldn't ordinarily be able to afford. 64% of the children at Ranworth are in receipt of Pupil Premium. 27% of the children are from lone parent households. 41% of the children are living in low income households. These children don't all have access to books at home and delivering these books to them removes some of the barriers to learning and ensures that they can all enjoy quality newly published fiction and non-fiction books. It was an impassioned funding application from their Literacy Lead Pam Butler and a well deserved awarding of the funding. I thank the school for welcoming me so warmly and for taking the time to speak to me about what reading means for them."

Over 120 books were delivered to Ranworth Square. All the books were specially selected by pupils at the school, a fantastic way for the children to be inspired by reading and encourage their peers to pick up their next favourite book and create an environment of reading for pleasure. Mrs Butler said that receiving £1000 for new library books was ‘like a dream come true’.

She added: “As you can see from the children’s excitement today. It will make all the difference and we hope all children can find a book that they relate to.’’

The LoveReading4Kids Funding for Schools Scheme accepts applications from state funded schools in the UK. Primaries, secondaries and early years’ settings are all eligible to apply.

Cassie Ward, a journalist from MerseyNews Live, was at the unveiling of the books, her news article can be viewed here:

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