The Teachers’ Reading Challenge returns for 2024 and what better way to get more teachers reading more books that they can use that knowledge and joy of reading children's literature to unlock the power of reading in more students!

The Teachers' Reading Challenge is an opportunity for school and library staff to expand their knowledge of contemporary children's books and develop their understanding of reading for pleasure pedagogy. Run by The Reading Agency in partnership with the Open University, the challenge invites participants to:

• Join a supportive and inspired community of educators and readers • Set their own reading goal
• Upload book reviews
• Access thousands of reviews from teachers and librarians
• Share best practice
• Download engaging and beautifully designed publisher resources
• Record and apply their knowledge

Why don't you set yourselves a challenge this year - sign up, and get a colleague to do the same! Set yourself a realistic target, and keep in touch telling The Reading Agency what you’re reading and what you’d recommend using the hashtag #TeachersReadingChallenge and tag @readingagency @OpenUni_RfP. We can’t wait to see what reading discoveries you make.

Read at least six books and review at least three of them to unlock your Bronze badge. Complete a short survey to unlock your Silver badge and upload an example of practice to unlock your Gold badge.

Why do the challenge?

In the words of Ben Harris, from Dunmow St Mary's Primary in Essex:

"The challenge...welcomes any teacher, teaching assistant, student teacher, librarian or passionate-about-books educator and encourages all who sign up to give their reading a nudge, to explore and expand their repertoires, and to push themselves to be more thoughtful readers – just as we teachers expect that of the children in our classes."

Why not use this year to discover some incredible new books - sign up to take the challenge today.