Who doesn’t love getting books as gifts? We didn’t think so…

Now, with LoveReading4Kids you can create your own shareable wishlists making it super easy for people to gift your school books, books that you need, books that you’d love, books that you’d struggle to buy yourself.

Whether you’re updating your library, you’d like to purchase a class set of books, whether you are looking to add more diversity into your book stock, or you’d like to engage your readers with some brand new fiction and non-fiction to encourage reading for pleasure, look no further.

Suzanne Beston, Headteacher of Perry Wood School in Worcester recently gushed about the wishlist functionality on the LoveReading4Schools portal.

"LoveReading4Kids is an amazing organisation that I stumbled across while searching for help to fund my book rewards vending machine. Setting up the wishlist was simple and so enjoyable. The range of books is superb for all ages in my primary and nursery school.

Within minutes of sharing the wishlist on LinkedIn and Facebook pages we had books bought for us, within 48 hours over 40 books had been bought and we had over £80 in commission.

It is the simplest process and children are so excited to see what books are arriving. I would recommend all schools doing this to keep their books of high quality in school."

With our wishlists function, you can create a number of wishlists making it easy for people to buy you books. Access the Wishlist function from the Schools Portal, create your wishlist and then as you browse the site you select the books you’d like for your school by clicking the heart in the top corner of the book jacket or by selecting Add to Wishlist on the book page.

Once the list is complete, click back into Manage Wishlists on your school dashboard and you’ll be able to view the list, make any edits including number of items, and share with others at the click of a button.



Don’t forget, when people buy for you, from your wishlist, they can also donate 25% of the gift to your school at checkout too. So, you then get another 25% on top of the free book, to buy more books!

Is your school a member of LoveReading4Kids, and taking advantage of all of the opportunities the free membership provides? The tools, content, reading recommendations and funding opportunities?

Sign in now or click here to get started.

Happy Wishing and Happy Shopping!

If you enjoyed this feature, make sure you check out the plethora of other special features on the LoveReading4Schools portal to help support you encouraging a reading for pleasure culture in your setting. LoveReading4Kids really is a one-stop-shop for rfp!