Are Nursery Rhymes still relevant today? World Nursery Rhyme Week 11-15 November
Schools News
Role models, safe havens and transformations: School Library Association’s 2024 Award winners changing communities
Dyslexia Week - what is it and how can you support your dyslexic readers?
50 Books Celebrating our Love of Poetry on National Poetry Day
Develop a superpower: poet Imtiaz Dharker launches search for nation's top young poetry reciter at the Shakespeare's Globe for National Poetry Day
LR4S Exclusive Event with S F Said, author of Varjak Paw and Tyger
Author Talk
The Space Race to Reading by top ten bestselling author of Lunar and Stellar, Chris Bradford
The UKLA Book Awards 2025 Longlist has been announced
Children For Change launches free ground-breaking ebook for primary school children
Oracy: a skill for learning, a skill for life by Dr Rebecca Fisher of The English Association
Special Features
Could your Year 3 to Year 7 students become Guinness World Record breakers?
The madcap, hilarious mystery series Bridget Vanderpuff by Martin Stewart
Series of the Month