A sweet story which shows the power of kindness and imagination in the face of difficult emotions with beautiful illustrations from award-winning artist David Litchfield, which really help to tell the story.
One boy cannot turn his back on the 'troll' as all the other children play in the playground. One day the boy takes his chalks to the cave and draws a flower with a missing petal. On his return the next day the petal has been drawn and the flower is complete. Day after day the boy returns to the cave and the troll finishes the boys drawings. Then one day they each draw a portrait, showing a boy holding hands with a scary troll. "But you're not a troll," says the boy. "You're a boy - just like me."
The boys draw together and soon all the other children join in too. Everyone forgets there was a troll in the cave and join in the fun together. Patience, kindness and art save the day when everyone comes together.