A Snail in Space is a lively and humorous picture book collaboration where Gail, an extraordinary snail with big dreams, challenges convention by aspiring to become the first snail in space, inviting readers on a charming journey of determination and courage.
A Snail in Space is a delightful collaboration between two brilliant picture-book creators that bursts with liveliness and humor. Gail, an extraordinary snail with big dreams, defies conventional wisdom by aspiring to become the first snail in space. Readers are invited to join Gail on her stellar journey as she discovers the enchanting power of reaching for the stars and giving it her all.
From the creators of the beloved Slug in Love, Rachel Bright and Nadia Shireen, comes another irresistibly charming tale that is sure to capture the hearts of children and adults alike. Get ready to embark on an out-of-this-world adventure with Gail the snail as she proves that with determination and courage, even the most unconventional dreams can come true.