This is a fantastic and inspiring story for all ages. The illustrations are funny and must buy for all to read.
This is a fantastic and inspiring story for all ages.
I have a two year old and this is one of his favourite books. He loves looking at the illustrations and he is understanding the morals. He now says ‘that’s okay’ when things don’t go to plan.
I have since lent this to friends with other children and they have loved this book.
This is must buy for all to read.
In all, this is a helpful tool for introducing children to lots of different emotions, explaining what they feel and might look like as well as emphasising that emotions are all part of being human and feeling (or not feeling them) in any particular moment is okay.
‘That’s Okay’ by Chris Dixon is a picture book that focuses on children’s mental health with the aim to help young readers learn more about their emotions - and that it’s okay to have them. With the use of bright illustrations of different colourful creatures, the author introduces each emotion and includes things you might want to do when you’re experiencing that feeling (when you’re happy you might want to sing and smile for example). I do wonder whether, along with the examples of why each emotion what they look like and validation that it’s ok to have them, it could be beneficial to include some suggestions about what a child should or could do about it (for example, If I’m feeling sad I could talk to someone about it, or write a letter or draw a picture to help say why. If I’m angry I could take a big deep breath and count to 10).
In all, this is a helpful tool for introducing children to lots of different emotions, explaining what they feel and might look like as well as emphasising that emotions are all part of being human and feeling (or not feeling them) in any particular moment is okay.