I absolutely loved this book as it was packed with thrilling adventure the whole way through.
Wolfbane is the ninth book in The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series and undoubtedly one of the best. Filled with adventure, this is a perfect novel to sit down and relax with and is impossible to put down. It follows the lives of Torak and Renn as they attempt to rescue their friend wolf from the blood thirsty ice demon Naiginn. Having read all the books in the series, this novel feels like the perfect ending to a much-loved set of stories. However, this novel also works well on its own, but it is much more rewarding to have the support of the series and the knowledge it gives you behind the book.
This book was incredible from the start to the very end. It had detail all through and made me want to read more and more of it every day.
This book was incredible from the start to the very end. It had detail on all the places and characters all through and made me want to read more and more of it every day. I would suggest this book for people who like books that have magic and fantasy elements. I would love to read the whole series once I have got through my current queue of books to read. I would have liked it if there was a key of which clans were human or animal to give it a bit more context, maybe reading other books in the series would help. Overall, it was very good. :)