A magical, mystical story about monsters, myths, witches and sea creatures that had me on the edge of my seat.
A magical, mystical story about monsters, myths, witches and sea creatures that had me on the edge of my seat. Utterly Dark is a girl who lives on the island of Wildsea. Like her unusual name she also has an unusual history. Her guardian, Andrew Dark found her washed up on the beach and took her in. She lives in Sundown Watch where her guardian is the latest Watcher. Every night he has to keep watch over the horizon and keep a log. Things take a turn for the worse when he is found drowned. Word is sent to his brother, Will in London who comes grudgingly to fill in the post of Watcher.
This story will scare and delight you like it did me. It is perfect for fans of Goosebumps. To begin with I wasn't sure if the sea monster was real or not. Utterly's uncle Will doesn't believe in the sea monster whereas Utterly does. I would love to read the other books by Philip Reeve.