The book provides a light hearted introduction to the Natural History Museum and I envisage that other types of animal life will be included in future stories.
The Queen and her corgi, Mr Brown, meet up with Polar Bear and Toucan at the Natural History Museum where they are transported by Conkerdor to the depths of the ocean. There they watch a variety of creatures through a porthole including the ugly anglerfish whom the queen declares is 'beautifully different'. The angler fish recounts a tale of having tragically eaten his best friend who had told him wonderful tales of life above the ocean. When disaster strikes the Conkerdor and the heating fails, they are fortunately rescued by a whale. The story ends with the queen recounting her adventures to her great grandchildren. What fun this was to read! I loved the illustrations which depicted the Queen and her great grandchildren so well and provided much humour, one of my favourites being the Queen strapped into the Conkerdor. The book provides a light hearted introduction to the Natural History Museum and I envisage that other types of animal life will be included in future stories. The only slight reservation I have is that I found the choice of name of the transporter rather odd and clumsy - Conkerdor - but perhaps I am missing a subtle connection!
Children from five upwards will love this book and enjoy the fun of seeing the Queen in quite ordinary and also very fanciful situations.
'The Queen and Mr. Brown: The Ugliest Fish in the Sea' is the fourth book in James Francis Wilkins series about Her Majesty and her corgi's adventures in the animal kingdom. Beautifully illustrated by the author, who is an artist and animator, the story is humorous but informative at the same time. Mr. Brown is less than impressed by the rain in London, when the Queen takes him for a walk to the Natural History Museum to embark on a new mystery tour. Their friends Polar Bear and Toucan are on hand to meet them when they arrive and they all take the animal's secret lift to the museum basement. They board the space transporter, Conkerdor, and are told they are going to the bottom of the sea, where no light can penetrate. After meeting some fascinating creatures of the deep, including the anglerfish of the title, Conkerdor develops problems with it's heating system, putting everyone on board at risk. When they finally get back to London, after a dramatic rescue, Mr. Brown realises what a wonderful place it is, even in the rain! Children from five upwards will love this book and enjoy the fun of seeing the Queen in quite ordinary and also very fanciful situations. And just like Her Majesty at the end of this story, adults will have a great tale to tell the grandchildren.