"An imaginative and vast space opera with a wide and varied cast of characters to follow."
Innocents, Immortals, and Amoral Gods by Harry Dehrian is an imaginative space opera that follows a range of characters as they navigate a technologically advanced world. Although the setting is futuristic, the key themes of mystery, power, ambition and destiny are universal.
This is an epic sci-fi read weighing in at around 700 pages, containing in essence 5 parallel narratives. The structure reminds me of A Song of Ice and Fire in that there’s enough detail and action that they could probably be a story in their own right but could also all intertwine further down the line. My favourite narrative was Nora and Disa’s Hunger Games-esque academic trials. I thought that the technological advances used throughout roots you firmly in the sci-fi genre and adds an extra layer to the world building that helps bring the story to life. Searching for someone who has the capability to utilise bots under their skin to change their appearance, or using cloning drones in order to evade capture. The technology was unique and added further intrigue for the reader and obstacles for the characters.
I felt that the story could benefit from further editing but Innocents, Immortals, and Amoral Gods is an expansive read with plenty for Sci-fi and space opera fans to immerse themselves in, with hints that the story will continue in the future.
Charlotte Walker, A LoveReading4Kids Ambassador
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Primary Genre | Indie Author Books |
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