The Bunny Chronicles, the origin story, is the first in a series of books following the international adventures of Bunny and Bearli, together with their Mommy and Poppy, and sometimes with other members of their furry family. Bunny began her life as a mascot and morphed into the avatar of the author. Bearli, having lived years as a precious keepsake kept hidden in a box, came to life as Bunny shusband, the avatar of the author s husband. Follow Bunny and Bearli as they animate the life of two adventurous souls. All dedicated to the authors nieces living oceans away. Where will they go now? Stay tuned.
ISBN: | 9786197458589 |
Publication date: | 27th June 2019 |
Author: | Nicole Crabtree |
Illustrator: | Alice Mae |
Publisher: | Dixi Books an imprint of Dixi Books Publishing |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 16 pages |
Genres: |
Children’s: picture books, activity books, early learning concepts |