In his acclaimed and beloved Redwall series, New York Times bestselling author Brian Jaques "shows no signs of letting up or slowing down the action." (VOYA) Visit the gentle critters of Mossflower Wood with The Rogue Crew...
In which the brave hares of the Long Patrol team up with the fearless sea otters of the Rogue Crew to defend Redwall Abbey from the terror of both land and sea-the pirate Razzid Wearat…
ISBN: | 9781937007485 |
Publication date: | 24th April 2012 |
Author: | Brian Jacques |
Publisher: | Ace an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 368 pages |
Series: | Redwall |
Genres: |
Fantasy / Magical Children’s / Teenage general interest: Rodents and rabbits Adventure Stories Animal Stories |