The story is narrated by Ishmael, a young man whose dreams of adventure become a nightmare as he unwittingly joins a doomed whaling ship led by an insane captain seeking revenge. Melville's masterpiece is simplified and retold at an exciting and fast-moving pace to retain interest. Specially commissioned full-colour artwork brings excitement and atmosphere to this classic tale. Speech bubbles work with the main text to emphasise and enhance the retelling. A running glossary at the foot of each page helps young readers with any challenging vocabulary without disrupting their reading experience.
ISBN: | 9781913337292 |
Publication date: | 28th May 2020 |
Author: | Sophie Furse, Herman Melville |
Illustrator: | Penko Gelev |
Publisher: | Scribo an imprint of The Salariya Book Company |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 63 pages |
Series: | Classic Comix |
Genres: |
Classic European style / tradition comic books |