The introduction to this book contains a warning: reading it might make you LOL, but it could also make you GOL (groan out loud), or even SEL (scream even louder). It certainly does contain some gut-churning information about the human body, everything from why our feet smell to how many mites are living in our eyelashes (yuk), but in fact it’s the jokes and limericks that pop up at regular intervals that might really get readers groaning! Nonetheless it’s a clever and appealing way to dole out information about our bodies, warts and all, and children will be fascinated by what they learn.
Truly Foul & Cheesy Body Jokes and Facts Book Synopsis
It features dozens of gut-busting gags that children can share with their friends, themed around the gross and gruesome aspects of the human body, along with bite-sized information about the topics covered. Find out about the uses of snot and poo, the gooey workings of the vital organs, why people get acne and warts and some very weird stories about sleepwalking. Hold onto your sides and dive in! KS2
John Townsend worked as a Secondary School teacher before becoming a full time writer of children's books and a writer-in-residence in a primary school tree-house. He specialises in fun, exciting information books for reluctant readers, as well as fast-paced fiction, reading schemes and 'fiction with facts' books. He visits schools around the country to encourage excitement in all aspects of reading and writing. He has published about 300 titles, including the 'Truly Foul Facts and Cheesy Jokes' non-fiction laugh and learn series.