Voice and Vision: Essential Issues around Diversity and Inclusion for School Libraries Synopsis
School libraries play a key role in reflecting the lives and backgrounds of the students and communities they serve. Relevant to both primary and secondary school library staff, this guide offers support on what diversity is and why it matters, providing an overview of types of diversity and their context in children’s literature.
The publication considers how diversity issues impact on stocks and services, and provides support for reading development activity through a calendar of key dates and a selection of case studies. The book concludes by soliciting views and suggestions from a range of authors, illustrators, academics and bloggers.
Jake Hope is widely respected across all sectors of the children’s book world. A reading development and children's book consultant, he was the Reading and Learning Development Manager for Lancashire Libraries, one of the largest library authorities in the UK. Jake has judged nearly every major children's book award in the UK and has chaired numerous promotional selection panels. Alongside delivering training and public speaking on books and reading, Jake is an active reviewer and a passionate advocate for libraries books and reading. Jake is past-chair of the Youth Libraries Group, the currently Chair of the Working Party for the prestigious CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medal.