In the magical forest there are Globerous Ghosts, Venomous Vampires, Scary Scots and Mystic Mummies, who (like other mummies) cannot stand boys who pick their noses. The boys are in constant danger of being turned into ghostly globs, piles of dust or being exploded by very loud bagpipe music.
Thankfully, Ducky Rocky, Racing Racoons and the Hero Hedgehogs are there to help.
Frank Hinks is the creator of the Land of Ramion series...And here’s another secret about the magical world of Ramion: it’s here that Frank Hinks lets his hair down and escapes the austere and highly formal world of the legal profession where he is a Chancery QC with a successful international practice based in London. As well as being a storytelling author and painter, Frank Hinks lists Indie Rock (listening at full volume and dancing) among his personal interests.