"This fun story shows children that it is normal to be a bit afraid when going off on a big adventure, but they must try to be brave and keep going."
Available in paperback and kindle from Amazon.
Little Pirate is actually a little girl and Big Pirate is her father. She has a wonderful imagination. She decides she wants to go on a trip to find the Giant Squid, but she is not sure where to find him. They search the Great Barrier Reef, the Arctic and North Pacific Kelp Forest. Along the way, they meet a narwhal and a mermaid. Will they find the Giant Squid and will he be a friend or foe? Little Pirate gets scared, but Big Pirate holds her hand and encourages her to be brave so that she doesn’t miss out on the big adventure she hoped for. The story is sweet and quite amusing. The text is enjoyable and has enough information to keep children entertained. The illustrations are magnificent. This fun story shows children that it is normal to be a bit afraid when going off on a big adventure, but they must try to be brave and keep going. There is always someone they can lean on for support. The author also includes a facts page on Giant Squid, narwhals, Giant Kelp and the Great Barrier Reef. This book is perfect for children up to the age of about 7.
Susan Gibbs, A LoveReading4Kids Ambassador
Primary Genre | Indie Author Books |
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