July 2013 Book of the Month An exciting and thought-provoking World War II adventure for children aged 9-12. With shades of Michael Morpurgo, Michelle Magorian and Robert Westall’s classic The Machine Gunners the author carefully explores the moral dilemma of helping the enemy, and the pressures placed on family members left at home, far away from enemy lines.
A Piece of Passion from Barry Cunningham, Publisher
My uncle was a rear-gunner on a bomber in the war, and when he was shot down I hoped that someone would look after him. This is the choice facing our hero Peter, who finds out that being brave sometimes means doing what is most difficult. Loyalty to real values is even harder when war seems so black and white. Dan Smith’s courageous story is exciting, moving, and full of conflict. I think you’ll find yourself really CARING about what’s going to happen next.
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Dan Smith masterfully portrays the life of Peter Dixon’s wartime adventure in this enthralling novel set in 1941 North East England.
12 year old Peter Dixon’s wartime has been tough to say the least, his dad is fighting in the war, he’s being bullied and to make matters worse, flirtatious and wealthy Mr Bennett is wooing his mother.
Out of the blue a luftwaffe aircraft crashes in the same field as him and his life complicates tenfold, especially when he and his new friend Kim discover young German airman Erik.
Can the unlikely trio defy all odds and not be caught or will brawny Trevor Ridley and his lackeys spoil things once more? And above all can they all get out not just alive but unscathed?
Dan Smith masterfully portrays the life of Peter Dixon’s wartime adventure in this enthralling novel set in 1941 North East England.... Read Full Review
My Friend the Enemy is a book that will instantly suck you in with its interesting and unexpected turns and twists of events that will catch you off guard.
Peter is a twelve year old boy who lives in North-East England during the blitz in the summer of 1941. Peter lives with his mam in a small village and out of nowhere an accident happens. That's how he meets Kim, a girl that seems eager to observe all the fighting going on. A German has escaped into their area but instead of a strong fearless Nazi soldier they find an injured young airman. He needs help but can they trust the enemy? Will Peter’s dad make it out of the war? Will they get caught?... Read Full Review
Dan Smith’s suspenseful book about World War Two is full of action, friendship and romance.
A twelve year old boy called Peter lived in the period of World War Two with his mam.
One day he was setting snares in the woods when he heard the buzzing sound of German planes coming in his direction. The plane crashed and Peter got into an accident.
Peter never expected to find a wounded airman. What will he do next? Will they be friends or will they be enemies?
Dan Smith’s suspenseful book about World War Two is full of action, friendship and romance with amazing plot twists that make you want to read more. This book is suitable for slightly older readers who like books with action.... Read Full Review