Full of dramatic and startling twists, this is a thrilling and thought provoking story set in a future world. Twins Mika and Ellie live with their parents in a safe world, protected from the plague animals by a strong wall – or so they have been told. But, when Ellie disappears, they begin to discover that not everything they have been told is true. Miika takes part in a sinister virtual reality game and begins to uncover the horrible truth about the realities of the world they live in. It’s a bleak future – and a fascinating one.
***Find out how the children take control of their future and start repairing the damaged world in the sequel, The Whisper.
The Roar - A New Future is About to Explode Synopsis
Twelve-year old twins, Mika and Ellie, live in a future behind a wall - safe from the plague animals beyond. Or so they've been told. But when one of them disappears, and the other takes part in a sinister virtual reality game, they begin to discover their concrete world is built on lies. Determined to find each other again, they go in search of the truth. And as a strange sound in their heads grows to a roar, they find out that children and the planet have never mattered more.
‘The Roar is a hugely inventive and entertaining read … a fresh and exciting take on sci-fi.’ - EOIN COLFER
‘It’s about today with the volume turned up’. BARRY CUNNINGHAM, PUBLISHER
About Emma Clayton
Emma Clayton spent her teens playing in indie bands and doodling with comic artists. In her twenties she studied screen writing and became an author. The Roar and The Whisper were inspired by her love of film, particularly those of Steven Spielberg she had watched as a child.
In 2013, Emma took a road trip in America, and is now working on a novel inspired by that journey. In her spare time she enjoys hiking up England’s mistier mountains, driving her leaky Land Rover and eating Reese's peanut butter cups.