In this enchanting collection of fairy tales, including original stories and interpretations of Chinese folklore by master storyteller Paul Yee, a glorious procession of characters - peasants, ghosts, merchants, demons, villagers and kings - make their appearance. The stories presented here all feature food prominently; and each tale is followed by a simple recipe for a classic Chinese dish relevant to the story. Yee also offers scholarly anecdotes on Chinese culture and culinary history, whilst the dazzling drawings give a wealth of cultural details.
ISBN: | 9781896580685 |
Publication date: | 22nd January 2015 |
Author: | Paul Yee, Judy Chan |
Illustrator: | Shaoli Wang |
Publisher: | Tradewind |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 160 pages |
Genres: |
Children’s / Teenage general interest: Practical interests |