In an enchanted forest live magical fairies who delight in music and dance, however they always follow the old path through the woods, having been told to do so will keep them safe.
It happened one afternoon, when the sun was casting its hypnotic patterns through the branches above, that from somewhere out of sight, a new and unheard music reached the delicate ears of those magical creatures. It began as a flute but then turned into a pipe. It moved like a drum but then pulsed like a stamp.
The music reached high and yet still rumbled down low and it moved them all as it filtered so invitingly from its origin unknown. One fairy is bold enough to leave the path in search of the source of this beautiful sound.
ISBN: | 9781857144963 |
Publication date: | 10th April 2025 |
Author: | Jamie Catto |
Publisher: | Ragged Bears |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 36 pages |
Suitable For: | |
Other Genres: |