We all know what it’s like waiting for that birthday that’s just around the corner. Excitement mounts and here rabbit is getting so over excited and even when mum gives him lots of task to do to take his mind off his birthday, every task reminds him of something to do with birthdays.
Very amusing text with some delightful illustrations will I promise take your child’s thoughts off his birthday, for a short while anyway!
It's Bouncer's birthday tomorrow and he simply can't wait. He does everything he can quickly to make the day go by faster. Soon, his mother gives him all sorts of tasks to try to take his mind off the big day. But everything reminds him of birthdays - even rows of cabbages look like rows of green presents to him.
After a while I became bored and decided it would be more interesting to go to university (it was). So off I went to study Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. I also explored the world, went caving, scuba diving, skiing and parachuting. Goodness, I used to be so active and now I spend too many hours in front of the computer. I’ve discovered that if I stop worrying about writing an entire novel, and instead only think about each chapter, I stop panicking. Like everything in life, a big task is much easier if you divide it into little bits. All those little bits build into something BIG.