Award-winning Nicola Bayley’s stunning illustrations of animals from the tiny mouse, who leads an expedition of curious friends on a great adventure, to the enormous whale ‘the biggest creature in the world’ who is their find, captivate readers as they follow this delightful and satisfying ‘building’ story. Brian Patten’s lyrical text tells the story of how a brave little mouse needs nothing more than curiosity and courage to set out on a big adventure. The frog, the otter, the kingfisher, the dog and the tiger, among others, all join him and are equally rewarded by their find.
A very small mouse decided it wanted to have a very big adventure. I'll go and find the biggest creature in the world, it thought. Along the way it meets many different animals and when at last they find the biggest creature, the little mouse feels a great sense of achievement....young children will share in the little mouse's sense of empowerment at the end of the story.
Bayley's pictures are characteristically painstaking and gentle, softly lit, finely worked and pretty. THE SUNDAY TIMES
About Brian Patten
Brian Patten was born in Liverpool in 1946. His poetry for adults has been published in many languages and his collections include ‘Love Poems’, ‘Storm Damage’, and ‘Grinning Jack’. His work for children includes the poetry collections ‘Gargling with Jelly’ and ‘Thawing Frozen Frogs’ as well as plays and the award-winning novel ‘Mr Moon’s Last Case’.