Raggety-Taggle the rabbit feels left out when he hears all the Cook-a-Doodle-Do!, Baa!, Oink Oink! and the rest from the farmyard. Surely there is a noise that rabbits can make? But when Ragggety-Taggle tries making a noise it has disastrous results! A lovely outdoors book that celebrates being quiet.
As the sun came up - COCK-A-DOODLE-DO! - trumpeted the cockerel, and then all at once the farm rang out with the noises of the other animals. Amid the ruckus, Raggety-Taggle quietly nibbled the grass and wondered just what noise does a rabbit make?
Carrie Weston is a lecturer in Children's Literature at the University of East London. She is the author of several children's books, including Moonlight Lily (OUP) and Lucky Socks (Gullane). She lives with her partner, two children, two grandparents, two dogs and two cats in a messy old house in Kent. Her hobbies are writing, studying, surfing and skiing, although mostly not at the same time.