In this thrilling future-set story in which Scotland and England have divided and set up a frontier between the two countries, Lizzie, a young Scottish girl, is forced into a terrorist gang. Ruthless gang master Alexander will do anything to keep Lizzie under his control. Used as his bombmaker, Lizzie needs first to survive and second to escape! Will she ever be able to escape from her controlling boss? And, if she does, will she ever be free?
In March 2013 Claire McFalls Ferryman was our Debut of the Month and we invited our review panel to read the book & let us know what they thought. Here's a taster....'I just didn't want to stop reading it. One of the best books I have ever read.' You can find more of our reader reviews here. Ferryman has also been nominated for 2013 Scottish Children's Book Award.
Britain is in economic crisis and the English government have closed the borders with their Celtic neighbours. Any Celt found in England is branded with a tattoo, found twice they are executed. Scottish Lizzie is the ‘property’ of psychopathic London gang boss Alexander. Used as his bombmaker, she is under his protection, but also at his complete disposal. Can Lizzie escape Alexander’s deadly grip and at what price her betrayal?
“one of the best Young Adult romance books I have ever read”
“a brilliant, epic story... inspired by Greek myths, love and the afterlife.”
“a beautifully written book – poignant and moving. I couldn’t put it down.” Birmingham Post
About Claire McFall
Claire McFall grew up just south of Glasgow in the heart of Celtic and Rangers country, and she now teaches English to teenagers in Peebles, Scotland where she lives.
Claire's work is, in essence, all about first love and difficult decisions. Her novels take romantic narratives and engaging characters and hurl them into unusual and extreme settings. She then explores her characters’ reactions to these unfamiliar situations and the new and confusing feelings that beset them in a hyper-real, engaging, deeply poignant and literary manner. She is fascinated by teenagers and what makes them tick and by the transforming power of love.