This is an absolutely invaluable guide for all parents wanting to understand the ups and downs of their child's friendships. Friends are desperately important to most children, but what children want, or get, from their friends and how important friendships are to them changes throughout childhood.
This book focuses on typical experiences of friendship of both boys and girls, and explains the changes that take place. It also looks at how a parent's role needs to change from directing and fixing friendships at the beginning to keeping in the background by the time they're in secondary school.
With plenty of true stories from both children and parents, this book gives a real understanding of children's friendships in a very readable and accessible way, and offers advice on how to deal with problems encountered.
This title explores how friendships change throughout childhood. It also looks at different kinds of friendships, typical differences between boys' friendships and girls' friendships, common problems and what parents can do to help, and much more.
Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer is the author of two parenting skills programmes and four bestselling practical books on parenting. She is a freelance journalist and writer in the UK, writing for leading national newspapers such as the London Times (Parents page), The Independent (education features), The Observer (comment and focus pieces on social policy) and The Daily Telegraph (education). She has also contributed seminar papers on various aspects of children's mental health and learning to London University's Institute of Education and the Institute for Public Policy Research, a leading UK think tank.