A sharp, fast-paced thriller featuring a 14-year old whose photographic memory causes him to get embroiled in a complex puzzle of kidnapping, bribery, terrorism and on the run from the federal agents. The author is an established writer of suspense thrillers for adults but this is his first foray into writing for teenagers. We absolutely loved it.
14-year-old Steven 'Steel' Trapp sets off with his mom and their dog, Cairo, on a 2-day Amtrak journey to compete in the National Science Competition in Washington, DC Steel is both blessed and cursed with a remarkable photographic memory - just one look and whatever he sees is imprinted for keeps.
Bestselling author Ridley Pearson has earned a reputation for writing novels that grip the imagination, emphasize high-tech crime and dazzling forensic detail, and, all too often, imitate life.