The Penguins in space are a madcap team including Captain T Rill, Rocky Waddle, Splash Gordon and Fuzz Allgrin. Following a distress call from a spacecraft in trouble, the Penguins come across a mysterious space station and some very suspicious – and very fishy- behaviour. The penguin heroes are in trouble but luckily they are brave and resourceful and know all about handling tricky situations!
What's black and white, and flies faster than the speed of light? The Space Penguins! They're the ice-cool crew of the spaceship Tunafish. With their pioneering flying skills and resistance to the deep freeze, these intergalactic avians are going where no fin has gone before. Captain T Krill, Rocky Waddle, Fuzz Allgrin and Splash Gordon are on a mission to explore new planets, rescue alien life, and battle their former comrade-in-wings: Darth Wader. When the crew of the Tunafish pick up a distress signal from a cargo craft, there's snow time to lose. But the Tunafish's daring rescue is canned when the vessel runs into trouble too. What's been luring spacecraft to their doom?
Lucy Courtenay worked in publishing for many years before leaving to become a full-time writer. She has contributed to a number of young fiction series, including Beast Quest. When not writing, she enjoys singing, reading and travel.