A fantastically humorous series from a widely admired children’s author who really knows how to get readers hooked on reading. With black and white illustrations throughout the series can’t fail to inspire. Dare you join Charlie and his friend Lewis in the Spook Squad on their very first mission, a mission to investigate Mothman, a terrifying creature with deadly claws, an even deadlier smell and a very bad temper.
Welcome to Spook School - where lessons include learning how to fly, walking through walls and making objects move! Charlie's not all pleased to find himself at Spook School - he spent quite enough time at school when he was alive! But soon he proves himself to be a pretty impressive spook and is invited to join the Spook Squad, who are sent down to earth to investigate strange and spooky goings on. First on the list is the deadly Mothman, rumoured to be the size of a horse, with really sharp claws and a very bad temper.
Pete Johnson began work as a flm critic for BBC Radio One, then became a teacher. He is the author of over forty books, including the bestselling How to Train Your Parents. Pete’s books have won various awards, including the Young Telegraph Award and the Brilliant Book Award, and have been translated into 24 languages. Also short-listed for Blue Peter Book Award. Read more about the author here.