In this thrilling series for 11+ year olds, the reader will join Major Jack Strong, who is the Global Intelligence Organisation’s top secret agent working deep undercover. The evil Stealth is preparing to take over the world so there’s no time to lose. Codes need to be cracked within this book and they will guide the reader to infiltrate Stealth’s mission control website and stop the nest of vipers before it’s too late.
Written by a real ‘spy’; Gary Murray is a former Armed Forces Special Investigator and counter-intelligence operative. He has also worked undercover for MI5 and US Customs, operating out of the American Embassy, London.
Venom Rising is also in the series, plus to help you learn the skills and training you’ll need for the missions in Venom Rising and Vipers’ Nest, take a look at The G10 Operations Manual, the essential guide for any secret agent. You can even put these skills to the test with a case from the G10 vault in The Stealth Files – Unsolved.
The future of the world is definitely in your hands...
Stealth have regrouped and have a new recruit – Major Jack Strong. Working inside this evil organisation, Strong breaks cover to deliver his next dossier packed with top secret information. Once again, there are codes to crack in order to destroy the enemy’s new Mission Control website.
In this thrilling series, the reader will work alongside Major Jack Strong and ultimately take over from him to complete the mission. On accessing a website protected by passwords and codes, the reader must crack them in order to progress. Notes in Strong’s dossiers will guide the reader, until the enemy’s plans have been thwarted and the world has been saved!
Gary Murray has a unique background in Security and Intelligence which greatly contributes to his work as an Author, Researcher and Broadcaster. He is a former Armed Forces Investigator and Counter Intelligence Operative, as well as a former British and U.S. Under-Cover Agent.