This is the first in an intriguing new series featuring Slightly Jones, a little girl with red hair, lots of freckles and a flyaway temper who is determined to become the next Sherlock Holmes. When a fossil goes missing from the Natural History Museum as it is about to be presented to Queen Victoria, the wrong man is arrested and Slightly knows that. She unlike everyone else is determined to catch the real culprit and bring him to justice. She needs the help of Granny Tonic but it’s Slightly who saves the day.
Slightly Jones has red hair, too many freckles, and a flyaway temper, but she’s not going to let that stop her becoming the next Sherlock Holmes… It’s 1872 and a precious find is about to be presented to Queen Victoria at the new Natural History Museum. But then the exhibit goes missing, and the finger of suspicion points at an innocent man. Slightly Jones won’t let the real culprit get away with it – and with the help of Granny Toxic she sets out to save the day.
Joan Lennon was born in Canada and came to Scotland in 1978. She has had a wide range of jobs from ice-cream sundae constructor to piano teacher to Putzfrau at the Munich Olympics. She has written novels for all age groups and is attempting to break the world record for the largest number of books to include the word "ferret" somewhere in them. She has appeared all over the UK at book festivals, libraries and schools, where she gives talks and leads workshops for readers and writers of all ages. She has been a Hawthornden Fellow, the Jessie Kesson Fellow, a resident at the Chateau de Lavigny, and has received a Creative Scotland Writer’s Bursary. Her most recent book, Silver Skin (BC Books, 2015) was shortlisted for the Scottish Teenage Book Trust Prize 2017. Read a Q&A with the author about Silver Skinhere and read a Q&A with the author about Walking Mountain here. She now lives in Fife, a Kingdom which is said to have the shape of a dog's head. If this is true, her house is on the tip of the ear, which explains a lot. Joan has a husband, four tall sons, one short cat, and has decided to go on writing forever.