Sarah Warburton with her talent for witchcrafty illustrations joins forces with Hiawyn Oram, in this wonderful new picture book in the Rumblewick series. The story follows the cat Rumblewick and his hilarious attempts at keeping control of tearaway witch Hagatha Agatha, who has for some reason decided to go to ballet school. What is a cat to do? The book, which is laid out like a diary may well be inspirational for the reader to pick up a notepad and start scribbling.
Rumblewick is a Highly Qualified Witch's Familiar to the Most Unwilling Witch In Witchdom. No wonder he uses every spare moment to scribble away in his diaries. It's the only way he keeps from going totally bats on a broomstick! This is the latest: Haggy Aggy wants to go to Ballet School!! I ask you. Is that what a witch who Wants to be a witch does? No! All I can say is Help!
Hiawyn Oram was brought up in South Africa. She was a professional actor before coming to England, where she has worked as an advertising copywriter and has had numerous books published.