Interest Age 11+ Reading Age 8+. A brilliant addition to the award-winning Barrington Stoke series. Jed hates Pales. Everyone does. They are pathetic individuals who should not, by rights, be alive. They have only been saved from death by the Lazurus Serum. Attacking them is only natural. But when a terrible accident happens Jed learns some very important truths. Although it doesn’t preach, this thought-provoking story about what really matters in life will set readers thinking.
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Thrilling dystopian sci-fi adventure by The Storm Thief author Chris Wooding. The Lazarus Serum can bring you back from the dead. Only thing is, it turns you into a Pale. Jed can't imagine anything worse, but then the choice is taken out of his hands...
Chris Wooding was born February 28th,1977. His formative years were spent in a grim, squalid ex-mining town in the Midlands, where the crushing monotony of his surroundings fostered a need for escapism that he found in books. Possessed of a frighteningly sharp focus as a child, he had already determined that he wanted to be an author by the time he hit adolescence; and he had barely reached adulthood by the time he had achieved his ambition. He had a literary agent at eighteen; Crashing was accepted for publication when he was nineteen years old and released soon after.
Since it was scarcely possible to stop him writing anyway, the prospect of making a living by doing what he loved - instead of being forced to work at something he didn’t -sparked a fire under him and turned him extremely prolific. He spent the next few years writing feverishly around his English Literature studies at the University of Sheffield, producing a multitude of works across a range of styles, from teenage stories to horror to offbeat fantasy and grim political drama. Every one was published. By the time he left University, he was earning just enough to live on, and he took up writing full-time at twenty-one.