Bunny lives an ordinary life in the grassy fields surrounded by a deep dark wood. He and his bunny friends play in the sunshine and shadows of each day, staying away from the forbidden woods. One morning, while Bunny waits for his friends at their usual spot, he is startled by a big black shadow looming above him. Suddenly, he is carried off into the forbidden deep dark woods. But it's not a shadow that sweeps him away. So begins an extraordinary adventure where shadows, dark and gray, make Bunny's Tale a hare-raising day!
ISBN: | 9781838754839 |
Publication date: | 29th August 2024 |
Author: | Stephanie Butkiewicz |
Publisher: | Nightingale Books |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 34 pages |
Genres: |
Children's and Young Adult Fiction |