This family-centred fantasy adventure sees two siblings step into the Yorkshire village of Somewhere where they discover a weird world of animal antics, and feel a strange sense of having stepped back in time. From the off, the story presents a strong sense of atmosphere and excitement as siblings Alex and Dorothy discover they’re going to visit their family in Yorkshire, with Alex’s fears also relatably evoked. Then, when their train journey ends, as the siblings board a bus to Somewhere, the atmosphere steps up a few notches. There’s a strong sense of place and mystery, and funny absurdities too, among them pet gorillas, a piratical teacher’s pet albatross, and village elephant racing. Without giving away any spoilers, let’s just say that readers are in for a surprise when Dorothy comes to a rather shocking realisation. That said, this discovery also puts her at ease to enjoy all the unusual experiences Somewhere has to offer. Filled with a sense of mystery, family connections and fun, this could be a good read for grandparents to share with adventure-mad grandchildren.
Three children travel on an unexpected holiday to visit their family at Somewhere, a village in Yorkshire. When they arrive, life there is not what it seems! They are fascinated by the locals, who seem to live in the past and keep strange rules and customs. In this wonderful fantasy world, where folk own exotic pets, our trio find themselves drawn into thrilling adventures, that are beyond their wildest imaginings. What is it that makes Somewhere such an exciting and enchanting place to live? Immerse yourself in the hilarious and gripping exploits of our three heroes and feel their sadness and joy when their holiday finally comes to an end.