Ice Cooper and the Depton Shadelings is a charming story that mixes family and mystery with fantasy and the topical subject of fracking.
I think that this book would be enjoyed by readers aged 9-13, it’s fast paced and includes elements of mystery and fantasy that is engaging to the reader while also exploring the topical subject of fracking. Ice is an intuitive and endearing character (with an amazing name) that has to deal with the worries of moving to a new town and a new school, concerns about her parents and their work as well as the curious creatures that have appeared in her dreams all her life and now seem to be appearing more and more in her waking world. Ice, her brother and her friends handle all of the issues they face (excluding the dinner tray incident) with a degree of maturity and understanding that I enjoyed.
I liked the tension and the mystery that builds throughout the book and I was intrigued to see how each nuance was going to be resolved. I like how things were concluded (no spoilers here) and I think that there may even be more to come from Ice Cooper. I think that this is a great fast paced read for any confident reader that likes fantasy and mystery all still firmly rooted in a world we are familiar with.
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Primary Genre | Indie Author Books |
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