"Another wonderful book where Andrew Jennnings unravels the mystery of language and creativity. "
A new addition to the superb Ninja series, in Text Types and Modelled Writes the focus is to provide KS2 pupils with the ability to plan, scaffold and produce independent pieces of writing.
The book contains easy to follow, well planned and scaffolded writing which Jennings sums up, ‘age related expectations can often move at a pace that doesn’t allow them to genuinely develop strong structural understanding of how to build a specific text type, plan it and ultimately write it’.
All too often we provide children with wonderful stimuli, pictures, interesting vocabulary and interesting texts, but we rarely help them with the ability to scaffold a piece of creative writing. This book, however, provides a child with the ability to structure a piece of writing within a guided format, helping with where to start and how to progress. How many of us have given pupils a choice of titles or story starters, but no help with where to start, apart from encouraging a child to make a mind map or a list of interesting adjectives? A mind map, even with lots of ideas, can still look like a spider’s web. Children are naturally creative and imaginative, but without a knowledge of how to plan, where to start, how to use fronted adverbials etc they flounder. They may know how to use fronted adverbials, but to see modelled texts where they are used correctly is so helpful.
This book is clearly divided into chapters covering each year group. There are model texts, planning scripts, guided writing and planning and structure guidelines. Each skill learned per session is then reinforced in the following session. The approach is clear, logical and constructive. Having taught KS3, it makes me wish these pupils had followed such a model. They might be older and have loads of ideas, but without the ability to scaffold their writing they can still find it difficult to write a well-planned, structured essay.
This book is an invaluable resource for all age groups and although it is written for KS2 the detailed model texts, the planning templates and the wealth of teaching scripts and vocabulary resources, makes it a book useful to any English teacher.
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