This fast-paced debut novel tells how Jonathan, the only half-angel, half- demon in the universe, sets out to find the mysterious Gabriel’s clock which has gone missing. Protected by his parent’s, Jonathan has been brought up to think that he is normal but that is far from the truth! Failure in his quest will mean his family will die; success may bring on a war between Heaven and Hell which could destroy everyone. With the clock already ticking Jonathan must risk all and get on with the job in hand!
Jonathan is half-angel, half-demon, and the only one of his kind. But he has no idea of his true identity, and now a rogue archdemon wants him for his own sinister purpose...With the aid of a group of unlikely new friends, Jonathan races to find the mysterious Gabriel's Clock, which has the power to start a war between Heaven and Hell that could engulf them all. Gabriel's clock is ticking ...and time is running out.
‘Harry Potter meets The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe meets The Hobbit’ - Houghton Mifflin Books for Children
About Hilton Pashley
Hilton Pashley lives in Norwich where he works as a civil servant and magistrate. Gabriel’s Clock is his debut novel. He began writing Gabriel’s Clock several years ago, after the death of a close friend reminded him that life is too short not to try something new.
When he’s not writing, Hilton flies large kites and drinks copious amounts of tea.