An exciting series of unusual escapades are noted by Charlie Small in his journals as one hectic adventure follows another. Charlie’s adventures start ordinarily enough when his Mum forces him to leave his computer game and go out to play. Charlie sets out to do some exploring and soon finds the local stream has turned into a fast flowing river full of savage crocodiles… From then on, Charlie can take nothing for granted as everything around him has changed. Charlie is only eight years old but his journey takes him 400 years into the past and it requires all his courage and skill to get back to the present. Full of high octane excitement, this is a fabulous adventure series charting the many surprises that Charlie has to deal with as he tries to return from his first unplanned and unpredictable journey. Imaginations will run riot with every single one of these titles.
Titles in the series: Gorilla City (1st), Pirate Galleon (2nd),The Puppet Master’s Prison (3rd), Destiny Mountain (4th), The Underworld (5th), Frostbite Pass (6th), The Mummy’s Tomb (7th),
No one knows the full story of Charlie Small. At least, not yet. His original battered journal was found washed up on a remote, windswept shore in the north of England.
This second volume was found encased in ice, high on a glacial plateau in the Himalayas. It details even more remarkable deeds and thrilling acts aboard the Jolly Roger with the dastardly lady-pirates of perfidy - and a lot more besides.
Charlie Small is a keen amateur explorer. His interests include climbing trees, collecting things, playing computer games and football. He also enjoys conversing in the secret language of the gorillas. His present whereabouts is unknown, but we understand that he's hoping to be home in time for tea.