Handsomely presented and full of information, this is an excellent book for any young person interested in a career in medicine. It’s divided into three sections: People Skills – described as the most important part of any doctor’s work; General Practice, full of information on the body, the special terms and language doctors use, and ways diagnoses are made; Surgeon, which describes what goes on in a hospital, with detailed looks at X-rays and keeping germs at bay. ‘Students’ of the academy learn by completing sets of activities and there are interactive tests throughout as well as practical activities like wrapping a sprained wrist, or identifying bones on an X-ray. Once each section is complete, children add a sticker before graduating to the next task. Added extras include a press-out model of a skeleton. ~Andrea Reece
One of a number of titles in the 'Academy' series. To go to our special 'Academy' series categoryclick here.
Kids can qualify in three areas: in People Skills, as an Internist and a Pediatrician, and as Surgeon. The fun activities include making a stethoscope, wrapping a sprained ankle, and making a healthy living poster. Young readers will be inspired by the fun craft activities, cool quizzes, and games. Once kids have worked their way through the book, they can delve into the Doctor's Bag section, which contains all sorts of goodies - stickers, a poster, and a game to play with friends.
Steve Martin (London, UK) is a writer, former English teacher, and author of numerous children's books on a wide range of subjects, including The Boys' Book of Adventure, Numberland, and Ivy Kids' Astronaut Academy.