A long time ago, when Bernard was thirteen, he killed a man. Everyone called him a hero. But ever since that time the past has haunted his dreams. Can Bernard ever come to terms with what he did? Part of the new Fresh Shades series, this book is exciting and fast-paced, keeping within the style of the Shades 2.0 series. It is perfect for reluctant teens who still want an exciting, unpatronising read that is relevant to their interests and concerns, but who don't want to read a longer novel. With a length of only 6,000 words, and filled with drama, this story will appeal to all reluctant teen readers.
ISBN: | 9781781276396 |
Publication date: | 1st January 2019 |
Author: | John Townsend |
Publisher: | Ransom Publishing an imprint of Ransom Publishing Limited |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 64 pages |
Series: | Shades 2.0 |
Genres: |
Children’s / Teenage fiction: General, modern and contemporary fiction |