Interest Age 8+ Reading Age 8 | Kids who like sci-fi, a bit of super-hero action, and to laugh will really enjoy this new book. There's clearly something odd about Ant, aka Bug Boy, and most of the kids at school thinks he's a weirdo. Zac likes him though, even when he notices that behind the sunglasses Ant's eyes are like a spider's, covered in lenses. When Ant is kidnapped by the school's creepy science teacher, Zac goes to help - though it's just as well Tulisa lends a hand too - she's much tougher. The story proceeds at pace and, as long as you're not an arachnophobe, you'll really enjoy the adventure.
Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant or dyslexic readers aged 8+
An entertaining, laugh-out-loud tale of school life, bullies and bugs from Spectre Collectors author Barry Hutchison.
Ant isn't like many other boys. His clothes are always dirty, there are often bugs in his hair and he doesn't even know anything about footie! But what really sets him apart is what's hiding behind his ginormous green sunglasses - and that has to be seen to be believed...
Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant or dyslexic readers aged 8+
Barry Hutchison is an award-winning children’s author and screenwriter. Since 2008 Barry has written over 80 books for children, including several based on the hit TV show, Ben 10 , and a terrifying horror series Invisible Fiends . When not writing he is usually visiting schools and libraries to run events and story-writing workshops for kids and adults alike. Barry lives with his family in Fort William. Read a Q&A with the authorhere.