In a space station many light years from Earth, Jakob lives with Grandma, a robot chicken named Derek, and ToolBot, a robot. One day, Jakob finds an enormous rusty, broken rocket in a hangar. "That's not a rusty rocket!" Grandma says excitedly. "It's the SPACE TRAIN!" She tells him that the Space Train used to travel across the universe "faster than the fastest spaceship." Jakob desperately wants to fix the train. Can they do it?
ISBN: | 9781680101584 |
Publication date: | 1st October 2019 |
Author: | Maudie PowellTuck |
Illustrator: | Karl James Mountford |
Publisher: | Tiger Tales an imprint of Tiger Tales. |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 32 pages |
Genres: |
Science Fiction Children’s / Teenage fiction: Friendship stories Adventure Stories |