Kirby's Dilemma is a heart-warming story about a friendship between a ghost named Kirby Scott and an eleven-year-old boy named Michael Benton. When Michael moves to a vintage home near Chicago, he meets Kirby, who died in that house 70 years earlier when he was eleven. Michael gets along with Kirby better than with his own brother, who is a bully. Their friendship allows Michael to learn about Kirby's dilemma and his family's secrets. With the support of Michael's classmate, Vickie Vargas (who recently lost her father), and Kirby's uncle, George Williams, Michael takes on the biggest challenge of his life to help Kirby get unstuck. By helping Kirby, he's also helping himself. Featured Holidays: Halloween, Day of the Dead and Thanksgiving.
ISBN: | 9781667802848 |
Publication date: | 23rd December 2021 |
Author: | Iris Iglarsh |
Publisher: | BookBaby |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 152 pages |
Genres: |
Children's and Young Adult Fiction |