A to Z - Living Life, God's Way Synopsis
On the road, we adhere to the rules of the driving manual to ensure that we get to our destination, safely and expeditiously. The green light, in particular, gives us the freedom to advance to our earthly destination.
God's word is our ultimate life manual and road map. His instructions give us the green light to advance to our destiny in Him, which is both earthly and eternal. His word is powerful and can guide us to make good decisions in every facet of our lives. He is our shepherd, our counselor, and our Father. He made us and can save us. Let HIM tell us how to live our lives. Let HIM guide and direct our steps!
As a parent, grandparent, guardian, teacher, or concerned adult, you want the very best for the child or children in your care. You want their journey to be eternally purposeful and positive. God has the road map for that! Please help your child to know, appreciate and obey his advice through this A to Z book.
Ready, Set, Go!
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