In Puck's Gulch, sixteen-year-olds undergo a dangerous trial known as the Quest. During a time of magic, Fate hands out tokens and omens based on their behavior. Zander trusts Fate. Alexa only trusts herself. Now, Fate has given them each a special gift-Zander sees secrets he doesn't want, and Alexa's thrilled to find she can control events through her embroidery scenes. After Zander and Alexa each earn a omen that makes surviving the quest nearly impossible, they must break the rules and challenge Fate together. If they don't, one will die. And Fate has made it clear-she won't be cheated.
ISBN: | 9781631630828 |
Publication date: | 20th July 2017 |
Author: | Jeri Baird |
Publisher: | Jolly Fish Press an imprint of North Star Editions |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 278 pages |
Series: | Tokens and Omens |
Genres: |
Fantasy / Magical |