Po?ar mo?e by? bardzo niebezpieczny. Na szcz??cie s? stra?acy! Wskakuj? w specjalne kombinezony i p?dz? na miejsce po?aru swoimi wozami stra?ackimi! Ale stra?acy pomagaj? ludziom równie? w inny sposób… Prosta, pouczaj?ca ksi??eczka dla maluchów o stra?y po?arnej. -- Fires are really dangerous. Luckily there are firefighters! They jump into their special suits and within minutes they are at the fire. But they also help people in other ways…. An instructive picture book for children about the brave men who fight fires. For ages 4 and up.
ISBN: | 9781605379012 |
Publication date: | 29th February 2024 |
Author: | Liesbet Slegers |
Illustrator: | Liesbet Slegers |
Publisher: | Clavis Publishing |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 32 pages |
Genres: |
Children’s: picture books, activity books, early learning concepts |