The Night Before Christmas Synopsis
The Night Before Christmas is an enchanting Christmas story that has brought Santa Claus to life for generations. Celebrate the holiday season with this #1 New York Times bestselling edition of the classic poem.
This is the physical audio book edition with narration by Jeff Bridges, perfect for gifting and listening to this holiday season! 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse Carry on a family tradition or start one of your own with this new version of the classic Christmas book for children and families. Initially published anonymously as
A Visit from Saint Nicholas, and credited as a work by Clement Clark Moore, this timeless tale has been lovingly preserved in this classic edition. Bring the family together for a read-aloud and as children prepare for Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve.
This keepsake edition includes:
- An audio CD with Jeff Bridges narrating
The Night Before Christmas - Lavish illustrations by renowned, New York Times #1 bestselling artist Charles Santore
- The original poem by Clement Clark Moore
- A nod to Dutch references in the poem, specifically the Dutch name "Donder" for one of the reindeer
The Night Before Christmas:
- Is perfect for family read-alouds or gatherings
- Makes a great holiday, Advent, or Christmas gift
- A classic for children ages of all ages or the young at heart
Charles Santore's works has been widely exhibited in museums and celebrated with recognitions such as the prestigious Hamilton King Award, the Society of Illustrators Award of Excellence, and the Original Art 2000 Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators. He is best known for his luminous interpretations of classic children's stories, including
The Little Mermaid,
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,
Snow White, and
The Wizard of Oz.
About This Edition