One Hen Synopsis
Inspired by true events, One Hen tells the story of Kojo, a boy from Ghana who turns a small loan into a thriving farm and a livelihood for many.
After his father died, Kojo had to quit school to help his mother collect firewood to sell at the market. When his mother receives a loan from some village families, she gives a little money to her son. With this tiny loan, Kojo buys a hen.
A year later, Kojo has built up a flock of 25 hens. With his earnings Kojo is able to return to school. Soon Kojo's farm grows to become the largest in the region.
Kojo's story is inspired by the life of Kwabena Darko, who as a boy started a tiny poultry farm just like Kojo's, which later grew to be the largest in Ghana, and one of the largest in west Africa. Kwabena also started a trust that gives out small loans to people who cannot get a loan from a bank.
One Hen shows what happens when a little help makes a big difference. The final pages of One Hen explain the microloan system and include a list of relevant organizations for children to explore.
One Hen is part of CitizenKid: A collection of books that inform children about the world and inspire them to be better global citizens.
About This Edition
About Katie Smith Milway
Katie Smith Milway is the publisher and global editorial director at Bain & Company. She guides the transformation of Bain's intellectual capital into external and internal publications, collaborating closely with Bain's practice area directors. Ms. Milway joined Bain in 1994 as a consultant based in Toronto, Canada, and then later in Munich, Germany. She has served a variety of clients across multiple industries and markets on issues including business unit strategy, merger due diligence, change management, and operational improvement. She has also worked as editor and writer for publications such as The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Montreal Gazette, and Time. She holds a B.A. in English from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, and a master's degree in European studies from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. She received her M.B.A. from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France.
New Milford, Connecticut.
June 2nd.
When did you start writing?
I first published my work in grade 3: “The Dusty Box”.
Where do you live now?
Wellesley, Massachusetts.
What is your favourite book?
To Kill a Mockingbird.
More About Katie Smith Milway